March 20th marked the first official day of Spring! This means that the snow is melting, the sun is shining, and many homeowners are looking to tackle their yearly Spring Clean!
The tradition of completing a spring clean has been around for thousands of years. Its origins can be traced to a variety of cultures around the world, with both religious and biological explanations. It has become such a part of our lives that National Spring Cleaning Week is celebrated in the last week of March.
For 2023, this will be from March 26th - April 1st.
As a Professional Organizer, I LOVE Spring cleaning season. Not only does it give me a chance to clean the dirt and grime of winter, but also de-clutter and re-organize areas of my home that have been neglected.
I, like most people. have a hard time feeling motivated in the winter months, With shorter days, less daylight, and cold weather, areas of my home become neglected and organizing habits fall the wayside. Now that the sun is shining, the days are longer, and the weather is warming up, I feel motivated and inspired to return my home to its clean and organized state.
So why is Spring Cleaning important?

There is no denying how amazing you feel just after you've just finished cleaning a space. Taking a step back and admiring an organized space always gives me warm fuzzies all over.
Not only that, but cleaning your home has a variety of benefits, both for the physical space, and your mental health.
Listed below are four (4) key impacts spring cleaning can help anyone achieve:
Improve house hygiene: Everyone accumulates dirt and grime in their homes, especially during the winter months. Taking some time to sweep, wash floors, or clean a cupboard or two will go a long way in making you feel proud and happy in your home.
Remove Clutter: Now is as good a time as any to finally tackle those basements and garages. Spring Cleaning provides the perfect opportunity to identify what you need/use vs. what is taking up space. A clear space will lead to a clean space.
Improve mood: Seasonal effectiveness disorder is quite common in the winter months, and now that the days are longer and the sun is shining, people feel motivated to improve both their space and their mindset. A clean and organized space is perfect to increase positivity, creativity, and productivity!
Destress: Living in a dirty or cluttered home can make you feel overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. Taking some time to knock off some items from your to-do list or even just clear off your desk can go a long way to helping you feel less stressed. Remember mental clutter is still clutter!
How can a Professional Organizer help?

No matter what stage of the Spring cleaning process you are at, reaching out to speak with a Professional Organizer can make a huge difference.
From 1:1 hands-on work from start to finish to providing guidance and expertise, a Professional Organizer will ensure your spring cleaning goals/tasks are met & that long-lasting systems or strategies are put in place.
Cleaning and organizing activities go hand in hand, and a Professional Organizer would be able to assist with both and make sure you get the most out of your home.
No matter the size of the project, taking time to put as much value and pride into your space as you do yourself will go a long way in crafting your ideal home.
Now that you know how important Spring Cleaning can be, I challenge you to find at least one area in your home or items on your "to-do" list to tackle (with or without a Professional Organizer) for National Spring Cleaning Week. A little goes a long way!
Ready to get started?
So am I! Please check out my services to find the perfect organizing package for you!
Fill out the form here to arrange your complimentary 30-minute consult with me, a Certified Professional Organizer, today!
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About the Author: Brittany Smith lives in Ottawa, Canada with her husband and feline furbaby Zoey. She is a Certified Professional Organizer, Owner, and Founder of Control the Chaos, a Professional Organizing business that provides personalized in-home, virtual and digital organizing services aimed at transforming anyone's chaos into calm.